Little Chalfont Park
Liaison Group

Who we are

Formed in March 2024, the Little Chalfont Park Liaison Group (LCPLG) was established to enable ongoing dialogue and discussion between the local community and the Hill Team, responsible for the Little Chalfont Park development.

The LCPLG comprises volunteers from Little Chalfont Parish Council (LCPC) and the Little Chalfont Community Association (LCCA), and is led by the Chairman of the LCPC Planning Committee. To support its work the group will recruit qualified external advisers as and when required.

What we do

The LCPLG aims to ensure the voices of residents are heard, and where possible acted upon, throughout the planning, construction and preoperational phases of Little Chalfont Park to ensure the best outcome is secured for the community as a whole.

The LCPLG meets twice monthly (at least); as a group internally, as well as with the wider Hill Team. The purpose of our meetings is to identify and table the issues of greatest concern and importance to the local community.

Matters beyond the remit of the Hill team will be raised directly, where possible, with the relevant and responsible bodies, such as the local authority.

Please find meeting dates, agendas and summary minutes here


The LCPLG, supported by external expertise, will:
  • Review and comment on key documentation required to progress the development, such as the Design Code (incorporating the Regulatory Plan & Strategic Landscape Masterplan), Reserved Matters Applications (RMAs) and the Construction Management Plan
  • Receive updates from the Hill Team on the status of Little Chalfont Park at all stages of planning, decision-making and development
  • Ensure the local community have access to all relevant information to facilitate meaningful consultation.
The meetings provide a consultative forum between the local community and the Hill Team. The LCPLG reports to both the LCPC & the LCCA; it is not a decision-making body and has no statutory authority. A review of the LCPLG and its workings will take place every 6 months to determine continuing relevance and effectiveness.

Information about
Little Chalfont Park

The Hill Group will maintain overall responsibility for the development and have a dedicated website providing the following information:

Project Meetings

Dates, agendas and summary minutes

Agenda to follow

Summary minutes to follow

Work in progress

  • Following extensive input from Bucks Council, the public consultations and the LCPLG Planning Consultants, the amended Design Code has been submitted to Bucks Council for final approval. Due to be determined by the end of October
  • LCPLG have sent communications to Bucks Council requesting engagement in the following areas:
    – Transport / Infrastructure (Highways & TFL)
    – Utilities (Power, Sewage, Water, Broadband)
    – Community Facilities (Education, GP, LCP Community Facility)
  • Meeting with Rachael Matthews took place on 27/8/24 and future meetings were promised. Awaiting date.
  • Phase 1 review of the Design Code is now complete.
  • We await submission of the Reserved Matters Applications (RMA) before assessing the need for further input from the planning consultants. 

  • Held on 12th September, 2-8pm, in the Village Hall. Detailed proposals for the western parcel of the site were on display.  
  • 185 attendees. 46 emails/comments generating 160 separate points. Hill Team have committed to respond to all comments.
  • Onsite meetings to be held on 5th November with the residents living adjacent to the western parcel. The Roads Network Group have submitted questions in advance of the meetings.

Stop Press

Latest development news, including up and coming decisions, events and deadlines for community comments. 

Latest update

LCP Consultation Event – 3-7.30pm 13th Feb
The Hill Group will be holding a third community consultation event regarding the Little Chalfont Park development on 13th February. This will be held at the Village Hall between 3.00 pm and 7.30 pm. You will be able to comment on the next set of proposals for the northern & eastern parts of the development which will be included in the next Reserved Matters Application (RMA) to be submitted in the Spring. For further information please visit the Little Chalfont Park website

The Hill Team have submitted the first four Reserved Matters Applications; SANG (Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace), Infrastructure, Western Parcel Housing, Oakington Avenue Bridge as well as the Variation of Conditions 5 and 35. The Liaison Group are working to have comments ready for approval at the PC and LCCA meetings at the end of February.
To have your say, please visit Bucks Council Portal by 23rd February and search under ‘Little Chalfont Park’.

The first image is not a true representation of the proposed development; it is included for illustrative purposes only

The first image is not a true representation of the proposed development; it is included for illustrative purposes only

Making contact

If you require further information or wish to comment on any aspect of the development you are encouraged to contact the Hill Team.
If you have a specific question or comment for the LCPLG please complete the following contact form: